Humanism as the foundation of the theory of „ius gentium” formulated in Krakow in the 15th century

February 16, 2023


DEFINITION OF THE TERM: The medieval doctrine of the law of nations (ius gentium) is a system of international law formulated in the first half of the 15th century by Polish medieval scholars in Krakow, one of whom was Paweł Włodkowic (Latin: Paulus Vladimiri). This doctrine was based on the humanist principle of respect for the dignity of the human being and the evangelical imperative to love one’s neighbour, i.e., every human being.

HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF THE TERM: The theory of international law (ius gentium), which dates back to prehistoric times, has evolved over the centuries and has been subjected to intellectual investigation. It was creatively elaborated on and systematised by scholars from Krakow long before Francisco de Vittoria and Grotius developed their version of this theory, which makes these Poles its forerunners. Examples of its practical application include a dispute between Poles and the Teutonic Order, the meetings of the Council of Constance (1415–1418), and the defence of fundamental human rights and the rights of nations.

DISCUSSION OF THE TERM: The article presents the Polish socio-political and moral thought which was embedded in European doctrines and was inspired in particular by the ideas of Christian humanism, all of which form the ideological background that influenced the creators of the Polish medieval school of international law and constituted the foundation of their ius gentium doctrine.

SYSTEMATIC REFLECTION WITH CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The article presents the Polish school of international law from the perspective of its defence of fundamental human rights and the values on which Western civilisation is founded, namely freedom, equality and fraternity of all people, tolerance and the subjectivity of nations; this school also provided the foundations for building a collective identity and national community. The article also discusses contemporary ideological determinants and socio-cultural mechanisms related to these values.


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