The Catholic Church and culture

February 16, 2023


DEFINITION OF THE TERM: In this article the Church is understood as the community of all who are baptised in the Catholic Church, while culture is man’s effort to achieve the fullness of his humanity and to make social life more human.

HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF THE TERM: Throughout its history, Christianity has exerted an impact on a number of different cultures. As a rule, its intention was not to destroy these cultures but to introduce a certain symbiosis to express new Christian content within the existing culture and to eliminate only those of its elements that were openly contrary to this religion.

DISCUSSION OF THE TERM: In contemporary academic discussion, the dispute over culture in the singular and cultures in the plural occupies an important place. While recognising the existence of cultures (plural), the Church also defends the existence of culture (singular), the singularity of which results from the existence of a single human nature that is not dependent on time or place.

SYSTEMATIC REFLECTION WITH CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: In the Western world today, the culture based on Christian anthropology is consistently undermined. It is the Church’s task to remind the world of the inviolable dignity of the human person, of the moral order rooted in human nature, and of man’s call to eternal life. The Church should also search for language in which these truths can be expressed in a way that that is comprehensible to modern man.


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